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Worship service: Dopplegängers of Justice and Equity

In person and via Zoom

As Unitarian Universalists we hold dear the value of a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. But what is truth? What is free? What is responsible? Inspired by the recently published book Dopplegänger by Naomi Klein (not to be confused with Naomi Wolf!), Rev. Diane Rollert reflects on the challenges of finding justice and equity when when information and images can be distorted to reflect a completely different reality.

This is our CUC Share the Faith Sunday when we will take an additional offering to support the work of the Canadian Unitarian Council.

To join us online:
Meeting ID: 824 8169 5864
Password: 317122
or by phone: 438 809 7799 Canada or 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free.