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Worship service: Shared Transformation, Refugee Sponsorship

In person and via Zoom

Our community was profoundly transformed when we made the commitment to sponsor two Syrian refugee families in 2016. The sponsorships were both a joyful success and a learning experience for everyone involved. The process to sponsor other refugees has been slow and frustrating, but now there's hope on the horizon that we may be welcoming new refugees in the next year or so. Looking back and looking forward, where are we now and what have we learned as a spiritual community about sponsorship? On this day when Ramadan begins at sundown, we will be joined by members of the Al Mohammad family, one of the two families we sponsored. Musical guest: pianist Chad Lindsay.

To join online:
Meeting ID: 824 8169 5864
Password: 317122
By phone: 438 809 7799 or 855 703 8985 toll-free.